Dental Implants

Perth Dental Implants

Dental Implants are used routinely to replace missing teeth.  Some of the benefits of dental implants include:

  • Re-creating a beautiful smile 
  • Eating and chewing foods naturally
  • Support loose and ill fitting dentures

Dr Tina Choo is a Dental Implant Specialist, having undergone an additional 3 years of a postgraduate University Specialist training program in the planning and surgical placement of dental implants and advanced gum treatments.  Not all dental implant training is the same.  Enjoy peace of mind having your treatment done with a Specialist with over 17 years of dental implant experience.

Are Dental Implants for Me?

If you suffer from missing teeth, loose and uncomfortable dentures, loose or mobile teeth, dental implants may be the solution for you.

For the majority of patients, dental implants work wonderfully to help to re-create a beautiful smile and allow patients to eat and chew their favourite foods again.  They can help stabilise ill fitting and uncomfortable dentures and restore self confidence in patient’s who have lost their smile.

However, dental implants are not suitable for every patient.  There are some patients where dental implants may not be the best solution.  We assess each patient and their missing teeth individually and will recommend implants only if it is the best option for our patients long term.  Other treatment options are many times also available and may even be a better treatment than dental implants to replace missing teeth.  Dr Choo can help assess your treatment options together with you and help guide you in the right direction.

How Do I Get Dental Implants?

Dental Implants involve a few short steps:

  1. Comprehensive assessment of missing teeth (30mins)
  2. Assessment of bone quality (3D computer bone scan + Mouth scan) 
  3. Digital planning by Implant Specialist 
  4. Dental implant surgery
  5. Placing crown on implants (usually 3-6 months after surgery)